What is Riprap and How Does It Protect Against Erosion?

Riprap is defined as broken stone or boulders that are placed compact or irregular manner on shorelines or riverbanks to protect the earth again action of waves or currents. These rocks work as a natural barrier against constant wear that comes from water movement and weather. They can effectively absorb and disperse the energy of waves, currents, and runoff. Rocks used in riprap projects can vary in size from 4 inches to over 2 feet.

Visit here: https://www.westernmaterials.net/cobble-rip-rap

What is Riprap and How Does It Protect Against Erosion?

What is Riprap and How Does It Protect Against Erosion?

Riprap is defined as broken stone or boulders that are placed compact or irregular manner on shorelines or riverbanks to protect the earth again action of waves or currents.