How to Create an Accessible ePUB File? A Step-by-Step Process - Alpha eBook

Creating an accessible ePUB file is an essential step in making your eBook available to a wider audience. To help you through the process, follow these simple steps in our step-by-step guide to ensure your ePUB file is accessible to all readers. If you hire Alpha eBook for ePUB conversion, we will package and validate the ePUB file and make it ready to publish. Don't miss out on reaching a wider audience with your eBook - read our blog and learn about our ePUB conversion service today!

How to Create Accessible ePUB Files to Reach A Wider Audience?

How to Create Accessible ePUB Files to Reach A Wider Audience?

An accessible ePUB file helps you target a wider audience, including people with disabilities; here’s a quick 7-step process on ePUB accessibility.