Greubel Forsey produces the Holy Grail watch. We say so. repeatedly. We'll say it again. Greubel Forsey produces the Holy Grail watch. We were very excited when they announced an entry-level watch in stainless steel. We want to see, touch, feel, experience, hear Stephen Forsey (Robert Greubel speaks very little English, and we barely speak French). As we imagine, so will our dear readers. So here it is. Our full hands-on review of the Greubel Forsey Signature 1.


Greubel Forsey produces the Holy Grail watch. We say so. repeatedly. We'll say it again. Greubel Forsey produces the Holy Grail watch. We were very excited when they announced an entry-level watch in stainless steel. We want to see, touch, feel, experience, hear Stephen Forsey (Robert Greubel speaks very little English, and we barely speak French). As we imagine, so will our dear readers. So here it is. Our full hands-on review of the Greubel Forsey Signature 1.
