However, the majority of games in Madden 22 Cover Image


However, the majority of games in Madden 22

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02-23-22 - 01:00


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However, the majority of games in Madden 22 have the same issues that were present in previousversions, or in a few instances, have actually improved.

With other sports games such as NBA 2K and MLB The Show with you having to follow the audience through a story that is unique each year, Madden has somehow taken some steps back from their storytelling experience. In the past we used to grind our way through some High School games, and after that, we would play a few games during the NCAA Playoffs, and this was a lot of fun, considering that it wasn't a guarantee to be among the top players in the draft.

Through a variety of trials and tribulations, players would find their way to an NFL team, and eventually find it onto the roster. But, within Madden 22, they've removed all the obstacles with the latest edition of Face of the Franchise, because your player created is one of the most gifted potential players in the history of Andrew Luck or Joe Burrow.

In light of the NCAA recently stating that players are allowed to earn money off their image It would have been awesome to see us partake in an entire College season. Our performance will directly impact the quality of our draft, and how high up in the chart of depth we'd be within the NFL team. In reality, it seems like the stakes are less as we're "destined to achieve greatness" regardless of how well we perform.

Being in control of your favorite team, signing players and taking them to the top is something that hits people who love sports, and Madden's take on the Franchise mode has seen a few fresh innovations this year. Talent trees, staff points and a re-energized view of overall team chemistry are among some of the notable features this year. All add something new to Franchise mode.

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