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We have cosplay costumes

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We have cosplay costumes vẫn chưa đăng bất cứ điều gì
Ngày bắt đầu 09-10-21 - 07:00
Ngày cuối 09-18-21 - 14:34
  • Sự mô tả

    Cosplay makes the ambiguous relation between the fictional and actual explicit. It is in particular thrilling as a fan practice within areas between the player and the person, the actual and the fictitious.

    Cosplay does not just fictionalize ordinary lifestyles and supply it a classy dimension; it additionally suggests how the fictitious shapes the real. Ultimately, cosplay is a vital instance of how identification is constructed.


    Fans assemble their own identification by using associating themselves with fictional characters and embodying them. Cosplay emphasizes that the self no longer handiest narra