Impressive, contemporary 3D visuals which remain true Cover Image


Impressive, contemporary 3D visuals which remain true

  • days
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カスタム サムネイル 

ここに画像をドロップ また ブラウズしてアップロード

  • フィーリング
  • への旅行
  • 見ている
  • 遊んでいる
  • を聞いて
  • 幸せ
  • 大好き
  • 悲しい
  • とても悲しい
  • 怒り
  • 混乱している
  • 熱い
  • 壊れた
  • 無表情
  • 涼しい
  • 面白い
  • 疲れた
  • 素晴らしい
  • 祝福された
  • ショックを受けた
  • 眠いです
  • かわいい
  • 退屈
Impressive, contemporary 3D visuals which remain true はまだ何も投稿していません
開始日 03-24-21 - 01:00
終了日 03-25-21 - 05:00
  • 説明

    Impressive, contemporary 3D visuals which remain true to the look and feel of the first. Visuals that sit on top of these classic 2000-era pixels, introducing a radical visual makeover that averts what makes Diablo II, well, D2.

    "I will argue it is easier than trying to reconstruct brick-for-brick the entire game. I would rather take the Sistine Chapel and rotoscope over it then be like here is a bunch of pictures, go build it . It does have unique challenges since we are seeing behind the curtain."

    For Diablo II: Resurrected, which contains the game and the Lords of Destruction expansion, 1 way to consider it is because rotoscope or tracing sense. Employing the inherent assets and game as a means to drive the 3D layer. In addition to taking each and every element and recreating it, animating it, adding textures, and lighting too -- that the challenge mainly derives from the nature of moving 3D.

    "When you have a sprite-based 2D world it's a horizontal thing on a flat thing. And today you've got stairs with altitude, you have undulating ground that a sword has to fall onto. Even simple things like readability turned into a challenge, such as a Paladin's Aura. The way which you can see the Aura very clearly lets you know you have that particular Aura. What if you are walking into a grassy field and the air is being obstructed by grass because that is 3D now and it is physically on the ground and growing up through the Aura. Well, you have gained realism but lost a certain quantity of readability and clarity.

    The anticipation of the Diablo 2 Resurrected, the classic reappearance, you can get the most professional advice and help from