Are you going to say ‘yes’ to the dress? Cover Image


Are you going to say ‘yes’ to the dress?

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Are you going to say ‘yes’ to the dress? har ikke sendt noget endnu
Start dato 04-20-20 - 00:00
Slutdato 04-30-22 - 23:00
  • Beskrivelse

    The Boutique has been a lot of fun both for the students and for Hjelm and Phillips, who were on hand to help during shop hours.“At the homecoming pop-up,” said Hjelm, “we started asking students when they came out of the dressing room, ‘Are you going to say ‘yes’ to the dress?’”

    Emma Sias, a senior, already bought her ensemble for prom — a long, capped-sleeve, open-backed hunter green But it didn’t stop her from visiting The Boutique when it opened with her friend Jessica Leys, a senior, who was still undecided about attending.“So many people are not able to go to prom because of money issues,” said Emma. “It’s a really great idea because it will help more people do something they’d love to do.”