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Even though many people are fairly laid back

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Even though many people are fairly laid back vẫn chưa đăng bất cứ điều gì
Ngày bắt đầu 02-06-21 - 01:00
Ngày cuối 02-07-21 - 07:00
  • Sự mô tả

    Even though many people are fairly laid back and are not hovering over the report , there are a few people who report just to annoy people in the hope they'll be muted. If you don't really did violate someone, in which case most of us are good, law abiding citizens and you're fudgeed.

    To support my claim, in my account management it states I will banned for 1 more day with no proof showing up. This means that it was a Player Moderator mute, which means the PMod will have needed to have seen you. They do not have to give evidence as it is temporary anyway. Because of this, it likely was not a report.

    So. My questions are simple: Just how long am I really muted for? 1 or 2 days? 2 is the standard, unless you get lucky and Jagex eliminates the mute early (they occasionally review them, iirc). Which Player Mod muted me (otherwise there could be evidence)? It is a PMod mute. We only have a couple of these, and they are responsible. Anyways, peace out before I'm un-muted guys.

    Even though most people are fairly laid back and are not hovering over the accounts , there are a few people who report simply to annoy people with the hope they'll be muted. Unless you did violate someone, in which case most people are good, law abiding citizens and you're fudgeed.

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