Rocket League has numerous vehicles of various shapes and styles Cover Image


Rocket League has numerous vehicles of various shapes and styles

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এখানে ইমেজ ড্রপ বা আপলোড করতে ব্রাউজ করুন

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ছবি পাঠান
পোল তৈরি করুন
ভিডিও আপলোড কর
Rocket League has numerous vehicles of various shapes and styles এখনও কিছু পোস্ট করেনি৷
শুরুর তারিখ 01-29-21 - 14:00
শেষ তারিখ 12-10-21 - 21:00
  • বর্ণনা

    Rocket League has numerous vehicles of various shapes and styles Despite the fact that they appear to be unique, in any case, Psyonix affirmed that the vehicles have same details, which implies they have a similar speed, increasing speed, and force.

    The solitary contrast between every vehicle is the hitbox, the undetectable box around the vehicle that decides how it will crash into the ball and different vehicles There are six kinds of hitboxes: Breakout, Dominus, Hybrid, Merc, Octane, and Plank Hitbox.