Alleppey, often referred to as the "Venice of the East," is famed for its intricate network of canals, lagoons, and lakes. Shikara boating here invites you to step into a world where time slows down, and the emerald greenery reflects in the crystal-clear waters. As you glide along in a traditional wooden shikara, you'll witness coconut palms swaying in the gentle breeze and quaint villages perched along the banks. https://www.alleppeyshikaraboatcruise.com/
Alleppey is an area of exceptional natural beauty, including a breathtaking environment, sparkling rivers, copious amounts of flora, and tranquil freshwater lakes. People looking for a break from their hectic life find it to be an enticing location thanks to its picturesque allure and serene atmosphere.The Shikara, a beautifully built tiny wooden boat that is frequently seen in the area, is one of Alleppey's most alluring attractions. The best way to discover the complicated system of canals and secret waterways that make up the Alleppey backwaters is to set off on a Shikara boat excursion. This trip offers a realistic look at the beautiful lakes and backwaters, as well as a chance to immerse oneself in the real village life.