
Spantech Conveyor - Conovey

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Published By sherontymm
$1.00 (USD)
  •  Location:  Milton
  •  Status:  Currently unavailable.

Currently unavailable.


Spantech Canada manufactures all of its products in-house. Every component that goes into a Spantech transfer conveyor, including the chain, has been designed and built by Spantech. This is why they run so smooth and quiet (45 dB). Every component has been carefully engineered to work together and provide the lowest cost of ownership over the lifespan of the conveyor. As a result, we can do things with modular packaging conveyors that our competitors only dream about. We can build material handing conveyors as narrow as 30mm and as wide as 1.5 metres – all with a common component base. We can longitudinally twist our entire material handling conveyor system through a full 180 degrees (think of a pretzel).

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