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The account page has no button design has not posted anything yet


Start date
03-26-22 - 03:00


End date
03-31-22 - 08:00

What was I able to do? What i can do to be unmute? I need help from anyone, does Runescape have a "Trial ticket system"? So i can contact the support department directly? What can I do to start a quick chat with anyone to ask or somethink?? ?

The account page has no button design "Unmute or something like that. Iam age 23. Back in 2013 I was 20 years old , so my age is not any reason to turn off my phone. FYI: Since the tutorial in 2013, i have been traveling within one area (where i was when i log in 2016) which is why i doubt that any hacker would have access to my account. Also , i had a life guide when I was younger, so i don't connect to any chatrooms.

If he gives a truthful answer, respond or, if no idea, make an effort to give him a good answer, or you can not post any more. NK17, the traditional answer tends to be: If you were able to invest 28 million gold on the ability, which makes you wealthy for the rest the duration of the duration of your RuneScape career, everyone could do it. It would also make the method or skill less profitable. As an example: the higher the level of RuneCrafters, the more supply, the lowered prices on Runes.

There are some moneymaking methods that have a tendency to last forever The most effective is covering the constant supply for certain goods, such as collecting raw materials, taking out monsters with different strength for rare drops and finally, trading in the market, investing large amounts of cash to earn larger sums of money.

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