What is the distinction between OSRS ironman style and RS3 ironman Cover Image


What is the distinction between OSRS ironman style and RS3 ironman

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What is the distinction between OSRS ironman style and RS3 ironman has not posted anything yet


Start date
06-17-20 - 00:00


End date
06-30-20 - 00:00

What is the distinction between OSRS ironman style and RS3 ironman?

I have a 1900 total ironman on OSRS. I love RuneScape game but dont have that much fun using bosses that are endgame. I'm considering starting a ironman - but a number of the more boring grinds and questing are currently putting me off. In addition, I havent played RS3 in seven years. I had been wondering what the difference between the ironman manners? I know its vague but even some input explaining how crafting training/slayer differs between the two (as examples) can help persuade me to check it out. Is gearing up exactly the same? Like typically murdering a boss X number of times until you get a drop?

There are more life quality game mechanics in RS3 such as presets from the lender or hint of the porters to teleport mats you gathered when training a gathering ability (tougher to get on ironman) and a lot more suitable items/mechanics. This can be mimicked on RS3; nonetheless it is even better on RS3. Put whatever item you need to drop in your action bar (such as, say you are fly fishing in the Barbarian village, then put salmon and trout on your action bar), then customise the keybind to those two slots. Hold those keys and you drop it all.

Summoning & prayer could be revived quickly in Essence's Guthix Memorial Pile right next to the Falador Lodestone, and most of banks restore health near-instantly. Allowed, RS3 desperately needs a hunt, but it will have 8 favorite/bookmark slots for oft-used fairy rings, and they teleport instantly, without needing the dials to spin to their correct position. When there's 8 or even fewer which you use regularly, this solves a separate, if similar matter.

RS3 does not have this! RS3 doesn't possess this, although we do have lots of other similar items for categories of items. RS3 does possess this on various objects. All the portable stations, by way of example, possess a right-click Configure option that lets you pick the left-click option. Bonfires do. Pretty comprehensive answer, I agree that RS3 probably has more QOL compared to OSRS, I just wanted to show that there are a number of things that OSRS does this I really miss now that I'm playing more RS3. I consider them canon to get OSRS, also because OSRS players use 3rd party customers.

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