It's frustrating that the frame rate starts to fall apart Cover Image


It's frustrating that the frame rate starts to fall apart

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It's frustrating that the frame rate starts to fall apart has not posted anything yet


Start date
08-17-21 - 01:00


End date
08-18-21 - 08:00

It's frustrating that the frame rate starts to fall apart, and movements made by the controller fail to translate to the game. This is a simple solution for 2K Sports; all they need to do is shell out money on leasing better servers. Contract Values in MyLeague I am in love with MyLeague. It's an excellent idea to create a dynasty which will dominate the league. It's rewarding to see the player you selected become a key player in your team's fight for the NBA championship.

But, MyLeague does have a issue with contracts being expected by the younger players. The issue arises when players have played for four to five years. Even though they have only played for 12 minutes every night, the young players that were selected in 2021 and 2022 are looking to receive the most pay. This expectation of salary is unrealistic. It's tough to make moves in free agency or in the trade market if a role player is earning a ridiculous amount of money.

The only way out of a salary cap is to swap the player in exchange for pennies on the dollar. The temporary relief will not be forever as it will be then followed by another season with young players. The contract values for younger players are broken and 2K Sports need to address the problem. I'm a believer in adding conditions to the expectations of contract mechanism. Minutes, statistical production and future potential must all considered when determining what young players expect to be offered by an organization.

A blatant, annoying advertisement for products - 2K Sports generate a lot of money from sponsorship agreements with companies like Gatorade, Beats, and Mountain Dew. To some degree the enjoyment of the game is enhanced with the presence of companies. However, the advertisements have been very irritating over the last couple of years.

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