The Beach is probably the most-liked seasonal event nowadays we have Cover Image


The Beach is probably the most-liked seasonal event nowadays we have

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The Beach is probably the most-liked seasonal event nowadays we have has not posted anything yet


Start date
05-25-20 - 00:00


End date
05-31-20 - 00:00

The Beach is probably the most-liked seasonal event nowadays we have, and its absence last season was noticed. Bring it backagain. You were so close with Christmas'18 that seeing you fall back into bad habits last year was a disappointment. A slice of content served along using a event that is grinding was the best of both worlds. It helped that ViB was an cute bottle pursuit.

But if it hadn't been so charming I have predicted it a triumph. Easter'19 was not too bad it is only a pity that the sidequest was just temporary. Since it spruced up a piece of content which needed it master Crafting was a step in the right direction, also. A good deal of these guilds could use an identical occasion (even if it's only the F2P ones it'd be fine for the RC and Warrior's Guilds to become more useful).

To begin with, for the search function in the settings, I feel the best way to do so is to include key words. I.E. hunt for battle, xp, exp, or set exp plus it brings up a drop down of related settings. Then please, for the love of god, give a toggle for familiars in the settings to use. The familiars people have running around blocks our opinion, but also slows down RuneScape client-side. This turn is costing you more money as you will need to spend more money trying to write code to get around the lag problem when it's an simple fix that will be well worth it in the long term.

Make them toggle it if people have the comp specs to allow 50 familiars running around. Make them toggle it if they cant. You could even permit a fall down setting like draw space where it's: toggle familiars? There are heaps that I posted before(I'll edit this on my comp, I'm on mobile atm) and I really like bgh. Last, I vote for the summer occasion again! This was pretty interesting lol. Maybe look at using the guilds. I'd love a master fishing occasion is seen by yo!

I find nothing wrong with adding a toggle for dxp. Just just make it so when you toggle it off you need to wait for 15 minutes to sit down it on, and then you've got to keep it active for 15 minutes to toggle off it. This would nullify the whole micro handling issue and would allow folks to quit training for a little and have a break without fretting about calling instantly to save dxp time, prep for skilling actions, buy equipment, or to just talk to friends.

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