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The rate of the storage allows for a more dynamic team selection

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The rate of the storage allows for a more dynamic team selection has not posted anything yet


Start date
03-16-21 - 06:00


End date
03-31-21 - 07:00

However, the next-gen difference is delivered in many ways, especially concerning materials, shading, and lighting. Primarily, based on the side-by-side comparisons, skin receives a significant boost to its specular layer permitting surrounding lights to realistically play its surface. The players just appear more realistic this time around as a consequence of this shift, to the point where perspiration accumulates on the personalities the harder they work. All this brings the players .

The exact same is true of those courts, which get new materials also producing more realistic results. The color and material answer is simply more natural in the next-gen version of the match. But the important draw for me is that the audience, which delivers a huge increase over the consoles. The quantity of detail present in each member of the crowd is remarkably impressive. All of them proceed independently and are a lot more comprehensive, to the point where even human fingers are rendered.

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Update

Then there are the reflections about the court itself and this is a place where tried and tested tech wins the day. Based on what I am seeing, I believe the sport uses planar reflections as opposed to ray-traced or SSR reflections. Planar reflections are still helpful when applied to a single plane like the courtroom but they are much less elastic in a more complex game universe. It's even more persuasive and thoroughly realistic. The nature of planar reflections also means that items could be perfectly duplicated and reflections can seep with no difficulty. The backboard additionally receives mirror-like reflections which reveal the hoop itself as well as the ball while the internet receives nice physics as you jam the ball . None of those features are new to the next-gen version but everything feels much more refined overall.

Speaking of refinement, the upgraded version of 2K21 receives some serious improvement to the consumer experience too. First, the entire UI has been completely overhauled - it's unique to this next-gen edition. The rate of the storage allows for a more dynamic team selection screen as well because it is possible to quickly load in new character models. It is a big update, enhanced still further by immense improvements in loading, which essentially eliminates all loading displays.

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