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Consistently use the whip for training Attack and Defense

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Consistently use the whip for training Attack and Defense has not posted anything yet


Start date
12-29-20 - 04:00


End date
12-31-20 - 07:00

Consistently use the whip for training Attack and Defense, and utilize the Saradomin Sword for training Strength. Below are some nice areas to train I can think off the top of my head: Giant Spiders in the Stronghold of Security, Yaks, Armoured Zombies, Ghouls, Experiments. As an alternative, you can train your battle level through Slayer. Slayer can be a great money-making skill once you get to high levels, so why not give it a try?

And in your level, be sure to have these pieces of equipment: Helmet of all neitiznot. Dragon platelegs / Barrows platelegs (I'm not good with Barrows armor so ask somebody else about that). Rune Defender. Fighter Torso (optional). Barrows Gloves / Combat Bracelet. You could be considering getting Void Melee armor also.

Msb ruined rune cbow at greater range levels. However, as you only have 75 range, I'd advise sticking to rune cbow + monk underside. I suggest 85 range for my setup (so MSB hits frequently and comes much nearer to it's possible DPS), found here: Lemon missed the new tt release, and so the gear offered is a bit outdated. Arma mitre + unholy symbol is far better than zammy mitre + arma pendant in every possible manner, in addition to costing less.

So I want a dscimmy but havent done monkey madness or the quests necessary to start it... So I could perform tree gnome village and the expansive tree but do not know if I will we be able to triumph against the bosses? So could you please inform me if I could or what the recommened levels are mainly what method or plan I should use for three quests! My equipment (but I dont want to risk it if I am likely to die, as I lost dboots, karils coif and 50+ charms , but sold dhatchet to receive my boots back)

Hey I took around a 2 year break from runescape and now I have decided to return. My question is what has changed in those two decades. Has there been some huge updates or some other new armor or weapons or anything. I would also appreciate any advice you would need to give me as ive been from this game for some time. Herblore and prayer needed enormous updates. . .herblore with extreme potions, special attack restore hens, super antifire (no defense needed) and an overload that unites all the intense boosts.

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