I clearly remember at the GC version of Animal Crossing Cover Image


I clearly remember at the GC version of Animal Crossing

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I clearly remember at the GC version of Animal Crossing has not posted anything yet


Start date
11-11-20 - 03:00


End date
11-30-20 - 13:00

I clearly remember at the GC version of Animal Crossing I had one NPC who I actually liked (a rooster who had a lot of modern furniture). He had been my closest friend in Animal Crossing. He decided to move on to bigger and better things one day. I couldn't stop him, he had his own life to live just like so many people that you meet irl. As I've gotten older I've also came to realize how true to life that is. Sometimes people just have to move on.

Something I wish they'd add is, instead of animals just not going away ever if you befriend themthey would stay in touch as soon as they leave. Sending you email about what they are up to, maybe with postcards and presents and stuff. Hell, they might even come back afterwards and proceed back in. I remember one of my old villagers in NL showing up at the downtown area again while visitjng, but that is about it.

Yeah, it's pretty sad to discover a former villager on a mystery island and they act like you never met before.

It actually makes me miss showing up on Main Street at New Leaf, which I didn't care for at that time.

My main problem with decorating my house wasn't my interest level but the absence of great items in my store. I have about 100 hours in the match and logged in every day for approximately 2 months straight and I do not have anywhere near a full set of any furniture. It was just a never-ending parade of things which didn't match the appearance or feel of whatever I'd bought inside last week. I also had bad luck with recipes, getting the very same ones multiple times a week which helped in restricting my assortment.

Chalk it up to bad luck if you like but I should not be pushed from wanting to play with because the decoration things I have did not match each other after months of playing, I suggest that's just nuts at a match such as this it sucked. Like I bet there are a bunch of really cool items but I never saw them

It is quite tough to wrap yourself up in the non-concrete aims of the game. Terraforming your island is tedious, the villagers are somewhat more expensive than ever, and the crafting is simply bothersome.

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