Transforming Smiles with Invisible Braces
The process of obtaining Invisalign for your teeth in New York City typically begins with a consult with a certified Invisalign provider.
Transforming Smiles with Invisible Braces
The process of obtaining Invisalign for your teeth in New York City typically begins with a consult with a certified Invisalign provider.
The Invisible Revolution in Orthodontics
Invisalign, an innovative alternatives to braces that are traditional has gained a lot of attention for its discrete and comfortable method of straightening.
Orthodontics Upper East Side
Dr. Michelle Katz Orthodontics Everyone deserves a beautiful, healthy smile. But getting that smile means choosing the right provider. We are confident that your best choice an Upper East Side orthodontist, New York City or West Village orthodontist is Dr. Michelle Katz.
Upper East Side Invisalign
Invisalign Quick, Aesthetic Treatment with Invisalign Looking to correct your smile without wearing obvious, metal braces? Invisalign might be the
Greenwich Village Braces
We offer traditional metal braces and aesthetic clear braces (also called brackets) to treat crowded or spaced teeth, overbites, underbites, and crossbites.