As one of the best piles doctors in Jaipur, Dr. Hemant Garg specializes in the latest and most advanced technology to treat Fistula, Piles, Fissures. As a leading expert in piles treatment, Dr. Hemant Garg possesses over 10+ years of experience in the field of proctology. As a specialist surgeon at Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital, Hemant Garg has experience working in many private and corporate hospitals. Dr. Hemant Garg is an expert in Piles Treatment, Fistula Treatment, and Fissure Treatment at SDMH Hospital, Rambagh, Jaipur. Hemant Kumar Garg practices endoscopic laparoscopic surgery as a consultant. He is a specialist laser proctologist in Jaipur. He has a keen interest in the development of laser anorectal units.