Suika Game, also known as Watermelon Game, is a Japanese puzzle video game developed and published by Aladdin X. It combines elements of falling and merging puzzle games. The game's roots can be traced back to a Chinese web game called "Synthetic Big Watermelon." Aladdin X introduced it to the Nintendo eShop in Japan on December 9, 2021, and it gained worldwide recognition. The game experienced a surge in popularity in September 2023, driven in part by the influence of content creators and streamers, especially Japanese VTubers and artists like Ado.
Watermelon Game Features:
Physics-Based Gameplay: Experience the dynamic behavior of fruits as they interact and merge.
Strategic Fruit Merging: Plan your moves carefully to maximize fruit merging opportunities.
Challenging Levels: Progress through increasingly intricate levels that test your puzzle-solving skills.
Satisfying Transformations: Witness the transformation of fruits as they evolve into larger and more impressive varieties.