ZZWOW is the professional Site for selling WOW Classic Gold Cover Image


ZZWOW is the professional Site for selling WOW Classic Gold

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Going people
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Start date 07-16-20 - 00:00
End date 02-28-21 - 23:00
  • Description

    Exploiters are punished: On Reddit, a client has now posted a screen capture of a supposed email from Blizzard after WoW locks them out for a month https://www.mmobc.com/wow-classic-gold. Besides, there are already unverified explanations after certain players have been prohibited for as long as a half year or even for all time. Notwithstanding the lock, the plunder things were additionally removed. There is still no official affirmation of the bans.

    "The players who abused it [exploit] needed to do some bizarre things to cause it and afterward did it over and again https://www.mmobc.com. No sensible individual would anticipate that this conduct should be deliberate and the players included needed to leave the typical play way, to cause the adventure.