Cosplay, a portmanteau of "costume play" Cover Image


Cosplay, a portmanteau of "costume play"

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Cosplay, a portmanteau of "costume play" vẫn chưa đăng bất cứ điều gì
Ngày bắt đầu 10-08-21 - 15:46
Ngày cuối 12-09-21 - 15:34
  • Sự mô tả

    If you are a cosplay character carrying a weapon, please make sure it does not violate the rules of the convention. However, more importantly, when you wave it or wave it, you should be aware of your relationship with other people. If you are fighting with other role players, make sure it is not in the crowded area of the conference hall. Use your common sense, no one will get hurt!Cosplay Costume

    The Cosplay Conference is open to everyone, not just those with exquisite and expensive costumes. Everyone has the right to role-play without being harassed because of the quality of their costumes or the accuracy of their roles. You don't know how much time and energy they put into clothing. Be kind.Power Rangers Costume

    Cosplayers do more than simply dress like their favorite characters, though. To express their creative side and show the depth of their fandom, they also behave and speak like their characters, sometimes acting out their favorite scenes with their friends.Spiderman Costume

    Cosplay, a portmanteau of "costume play", is an activity and performance art in which participants called cosplayers wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character.