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This will solve the problem that pkers must earn money

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This will solve the problem that pkers must earn money n'a pas encore posté rien
Date de début 09-25-21 - 02:00
Date de fin 09-26-21 - 04:00
  • La description

    This will solve the problem that pkers must earn money, and then resort to botting. Furthermore, they will now have the capital and skills to start pking. This can also decrease the demand for selling and trading accounts. This may be something I'll discuss in the future.

    It's becoming harder and harder to find XP/h rates for each skill so that I can adjust my training accordingly based on the natural limits of XP rates. What do you think about potential training strategies for players with a higher level of skill, and what is the XP/h base rate for each skill?

    Skills methods must have a reasonable gp/xp ratio, such as Demonic Thrones. It is too expensive to be a reliable training method. This is only for BXP. However rates are adjusted to reflect the 2.7x modifier. It is possible to train in expensive or challenging methods.

    It is important to remember that humans are imperfect, and therefore cannot achieve maximum XP rate when using click-intensive methods of training. My thoughts are: Format is Skill-XP Rate - Possible Training Methods Higher Level XP Rate Higher Training Methods for Higher Levels.

    I quit smoking recently and told myself id be celebrating by spending the money i didn't waste on smoking on the wheel. I spent $100 on 450 spins, which gives you 100. I wanted dung xp, because i am not a fan of mini-games and don't care much about tokens. Therefore, i played every lamp that i could find on dung. What I earned after more than 450 spins.

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