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Donohue says that over the last three years

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Donohue says that over the last three years님은 아직 아무 것도 게시하지 않았습니다.
시작일 09-22-21 - 01:00
종료일 09-23-21 - 08:00
  • 설명

    Donohue says that over the last three years, in the three seasons, my conversations differ from how they were before the league started. Kirk Lacob, Warriors Assistant Manager, recently told me that esports were "absolutely becoming more mature".

    Donohue talks about the benefits of having a league run from the NBA office when it comes to bringing partners in. "The benefit of being the NBA 2K brand, is that we've established amazing relationships with many of the partners we work with, so we are able to help them and help them navigate eSports. We can assist them in understanding how to make use of eSports to amplify their brands."

    The NBA 2K League offers companies an additional benefit: the sport is simple to comprehend. "While Esports can be a challenge for viewers at times, we're an extremely enjoyable game that players don't have to watch our games. As long as you know basketball, you'll be able to understand it." Donohue highlights.

    It's also quite common to see advertisements within the game. "It's entirely normal to sit and watch basketball games and observe courtside signage , and to see brands integrated into the experience like this, it'd be more bizarre not to have that." As Donohue points out, this allows players "to be a part of the game's virtual reality."

    The NBA 2K League is a popular and profitable product thanks to the fervent fans. However, Donohue claims "we think we're only scratching the surface." He cites the 1.9 billion fans of the NBA on social media, as a huge potential pool.

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