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COSPLAY SUIT vẫn chưa đăng bất cứ điều gì
Ngày bắt đầu 08-10-21 - 10:28
Ngày cuối 12-15-21 - 10:24
  • Sự mô tả

    When it comes to the original of cosplay, it is generally agreed that the birthplace of cosplay should be located in Japan. Of course, this can be said if it is based on the concept of cosplay in the present era.

    However, in a broad sense, the real birthplace of animation cosplay is definitely located in the United States in the Western Hemisphere, and even if we really want to explore the original form of cosplay, I can tell you without hesitation that cosplay first appeared in the centuries before the first year of AD! Because they are actually playing other people's roles, whether they are the costumes of Greek sacrifices that existed around 1000 BC, or the great bard who were active in the 8th century BC and jointly created two great Greek epics Iliad and Odyssey.
    The former turned into the prophet and seer of later generations, and successfully cosplayed the existence of the apostle of God, while the latter is like the originator of modern stage drama, and the superb cosplay played the deeds of those epic heroes. In fact, the meaning of cosplay to include and dress up is not only a kind of visualization in appearance, but more importantly, it goes to cosplay people's heart.