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COSPLAY SUIT vẫn chưa đăng bất cứ điều gì
Ngày bắt đầu 08-03-21 - 09:34
Ngày cuối 12-23-21 - 10:24
  • Sự mô tả

    What does "Cosplay" mean? It means the beginning of a new career. It is a combination of English words "cost" and "play", that is, "Cos", which uses real people to play characters in animation or games.
    As the characters who play the game animation, what induced them to play? Is a childlike heart. And they are not children, but how much they need to devote themselves to animation, and play their idol in animation with one heart. If we can do this, it will be really "HIGH". Let's throw ourselves in the air and admire the childlike energy flowing into our hearts.
    It is not important to have childlike fun in the eyes of adults, but it is adored in the eyes of our generation. When adults watch cartoons, they think they are naive and not interesting. In fact, they are not. There are some things that adults don't have: friendship and affection. Therefore, it is very important to have a childlike innocence. And "Cosplay" shows us this, and it also gives people with childlike innocence a stage to show themselves, so that people know that they are proud "Cosplayer"!