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COSPLAY SUIT vẫn chưa đăng bất cứ điều gì
Ngày bắt đầu 07-29-21 - 16:50
Ngày cuối 12-23-21 - 14:38
  • Sự mô tả

    The ready-made props similar to firearms can be found in toy stores. If there is no ideal props that conform to the original works, they must be made by themselves. You can search the Internet for information on making props and models, and prepare materials according to intelligence. The general props are made of various kinds of paper, plastic, wooden boards, white latex, acrylic paint and so on Wigs, hair accessories, styling tools and cosmetics are all necessary for hairstyle and character modeling. The choice of wigs can be found in shops or online stores. Now there are many shops specializing in selling Cosplay wigs, where you can find suitable wigs.

    When you can't find the same hairstyle as the characters, you can customize them, or do DIY with modeling tools according to the drawings, match the makeup of the characters, and match the wigs. Finally, get everything ready, put on makeup, wear wigs, dress up, pick up props, try to imitate the characters' expressions and movements in front of the mirror, and add your own lines. When the hero in your dream appears in front of you, it must feel great that you are the protagonist! At this time, you can participate in Cosplay activities and communicate with everyone.
    For many people, cosplay can make them feel good all day. It has become an indispensable part of life! Cosplay is the most popular around Halloween every year! In order to meet the different needs of everyone, our company offers a variety of styles.